Archive for January, 2019

Super Blood Lunar Eclipse

Posted in Astrophotography, Available Light, Canon 7D on January 21, 2019 by budbranch

300mm full manual off a tripod. Basic Moon photos are always tough, since the Moon is MOVING, and it is so bright compared to the background. Eclipse photos add the twist that the exposure changes drastically during the event, so you are constantly shooting brackets and evaluating. I used from ISO 100 to 3200, shutter from 1/125th to 2.25 second, and f/4.0 to f/5.6. I was interested in capturing some sharp stars and I found that with THIS lens on a non-tracking mount, *1* second was as long as I could go before the stars became little “-” marks… Also, by 10:15 MST, the darn moon was approximately 60 degrees above the horizon, so it was harder and harder to see the viewfinder and manage the camera. I ran out of head adjustment, and started shortening a tripod leg!

Here is a catch-up post since November!

Posted in Astrophotography, cats, Macro, Wide Angle on January 7, 2019 by budbranch

At the inaugural ball with Michelle Lujan Grisham

Chief cat Lilly

Snowed in

Comet 46P/Wirtanen and the Pleiades

Sweet music jam

Taos Mountain

Goodnight Moon

Taos Canyon frost

Pre-election rally with Michelle Lujan Grisham